Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011

A year ago today, I began an around the world journey. Some people know that I wrote 150 pages on the trip. A lot of people told me I should write a book.

The unadulterated portrait of my human journey. I advise you to stop reading now if you can't handle the truth.

The evolution into becoming a man.

This is meant to be read starting from the earliest date. I'm not sure what kind of result reading it backwards will produce.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

7/13/10 Jameson Distillery

Seeing the seas of green on the plane descent was beautiful enough to overcome the deafening pain in my ears. I was surprised how small the Dublin airport was, but everyone was friendly. After wandering around the city somewhat lost, I eventually found my bearings in St. Stephen's Green. Finding a hostel was easier and cheaper than anticipated. Dropping off my luggage just felt good. I think that when I am more secure with the security of my packing it won't bother me, as I really don't mind the weight. I like my backpack. I barely slept, but at least so far I have full control of my bearings. The directions skills I gained last summer have already helped me immensely in maintaining my bearings. I wandered to what looked like a court area, and a security guard said sternly in an Irish accent that I don't yet completely comprehend, "there's nothing here, Tex." After being puzzled, I realized I was wearing my TEXAS shirt. I kind of feel like I'm out of place everywhere lately; just because I've been smiling all the time. I could say people here look at me funny for it, but I get the same looks I do in Dallas or Chicago. I haven't yet decided how much drinking I should do right away, but while I say that, I also make my first real stop the Jameson Distillery. I've been in my little kid frame of mind, we'll see how long it lasts.

Monday, July 12, 2010

7/12/10 On the Flight to Dublin

I've delayed starting to write for months, telling myseflf I would wait until I actually started my journey. A roller coaster of emotion hopefully eases into an acceptance of the unexpected. Today was a great day with Doug but my stomach has had butterflies the entire time. I've talked to a couple of friendly people which reminds me that people are just as eager to talk to new people as I am. I have been constantly reminded of basic wisdom lately, and I hope that understanding and guidance will follow my steps. I can't help but think of all of the parts of my life which have led to this moment. Learning about religion, history, what I've seen in life and in movies. I am aware of the things people have done in the recent thousands, and hundreds, and few years which allow me to be here now. May God's hand guide me. The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. He leads me down in green pastures. He restores my soul. Though I may walk to the valley of the shadow of death, I do not fear death, but embrace it, for you and your hand i with me and I accept wherever it is that I may go joyfully and with a willing heart. I shall fear no danger, because my cup overruns with your blessings. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, and even if I'm homeless, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. My home is his Earth.